We’re sh-sh-sh-shivering our way through the week here in Coastal North Carolina with our area looking like a beautiful Winter Wonderland as ice coats trees and lawns with icicles dangling from our mailbox, flag stand and grill.
With all this cold weather and ice, I’m trying to warm up with some warm thoughts. I’m thinking about Summer beach trips or snuggling with my sweetie beside a roaring fire. I’m pondering hot soaks and even hotter massages. Maybe there’s a reason that the most romantic day of the year falls in the dead of winter.
We have all sorts of goodies to warm up your Valentine’s Day, whether you’re of a mind to warm that special someone’s heart or warm that special someone’s body. Check out all the totally scrumptious offerings!

If the weather is yucky and you can’t get what you need by the big day (Friday!), don’t hurt yourself trying to buy something. I promise, if that special person is truly that special, he or she will understand, and you can stretch the celebration out for the whole weekend.*
What special way will you treat your Valentine this year?
* Due to inclement weather here, orders won’t go out before Thursday, so I’m afraid I can’t guarantee Valentine’s delivery. Gift certificates, however, can be there within hours.