Last week was the week of frustrating unpluggedness (is that a word?). Tuesday evening, my darling younger daughter in a fit of pique threw her sister’s beach ball across the living room to her, knocking a cup of water over onto my laptop, rendering it inoperable for a few days, especially considering it was spread out in parts on the kitchen table. At the same time, I was working on backing up all the files on my old, very slow desktop computer in preparation for having the hard drive replaced and upgraded. That means I was stuck cooking and traveling. Hey, there are worse things.
I put my laptop back together Friday, and Saturday, my oldest and I headed up to my parents’ house for a cookout. Sunday saw me back in the garden. I have so many cucumbers, enough for at least two more batches of pickles. I also harvested more basil for pesto, which I whipped up Sunday afternoon. In the quiet moments, I worked on my older daughter’s birthday present – a scarf in Gryffindor gold and burgundy – and finished another project. (Yay!!!)

Our weekend ended with a visit to the kittens. In two weeks, I’ll be able to bring my new one home. They’ve gotten to be so playful – climbing, tackling, and chasing strings. One little one kept exploring the crack under the door, and Momma Cat was not happy with that. Momma went to carry her back to a safer spot in the room, and the kitten was ducking and dodging, trying to figure out how to scoot by her. So funny! Of course, there must be the requisite weekly kitten pic…

There will be more wonderment this week, including some fabulous new soaps that are soon to be ready for your enjoyment. Stay tuned…