As I continue to poke around through my fragrance remnants and rejects, I tripped across a duplicate of Pink Sugar. So many of my fellow soapmakers have used it and love it, talking about what a great seller it is for them. I took one whiff, and deemed it way too sweet for my personal taste, but I don’t love everything I make, and neither do my customers. Everyone has their own preferences, so, with that in mind, I went ahead and soaped it.
Sweet and pink, Pretty in Pink emerged as the ultimate feminine treat. Perfectly suitable for both big and little girls alike, the scent is a blend of cotton candy, lemon drops, caramel, and raspberries with base notes of warm musk. What a lovely combination! Tart and sweet, cool and warm, light and heavy. It all comes together in a beautifully blended whole.

Don’t you just LOVE that? I expected this soap to turn chocolate brown where it wasn’t pink or white, and instead it stayed a creamy tan. The pink swirls are bright and sparkly from mica, and the top is a blend of my own liquid soap and melt & pour base, whipped with mica and topped with Himalayan pink salt. The soap itself is a total skin treat containing rich coconut milk for a creamy, silky lather that will leave your skin feeling soft and supple, never tight and dry. (I pilfered a bar for my own shower, so I know first-hand just how awesome this soap is.) While this fragrance will likely never become a personal favorite of mine, I do enjoy how the scent mellowed and warmed in the soapmaking process; the musk came out more. You can pick up your own bar of this special edition soap by clicking here, but quantities are very limited.
What sorts of scents do you like to use? Would you use something so feminine, or do you prefer a different genre of fragrance?