We’re zipping back to the corner drugstore and soda fountain with this brand new lip balm collection. Pucker up and enjoy these delicious flavors in scrumptious artisan-made lip balms. Imagine creamy Root Beer, Sparkling Cola and Effervescent Lemon Lime. You can smell the fizz in these balms – the flavors are that amazing!
Let me introduce you to Sun on the Go sets. We are trying small sets in a convenient vinyl spa bag so they are more travel sized. They can be taken on a plane, yet are able to take just a little bit of space. We aren’t doing shampoo; instead, we’re doing detangling spray, so after a day in the sun, you can brush your hair with ease. The lotion helps after sunburns or tender areas, while, at the same time, you can use it for simply moisturizing your skin. The soap will be good for cleaning sweat, germs and even shells off your skin. You can use it on your face, though we can’t predict how your skin will react, since people are sensitive to different things. The lip balm will not work as a sun screen lip balm, so don’t use it that way. However it will work if your lips are dried out. You can pick these up at the Blueberry Festival this Saturday, 21 June 2014 or order them from our online store if you’re not going to be in the area this weekend.
It is three yummy flavors in one sweet little tube! It’s Balms Away! lip balm, a fabulous triple layered treat for your lips. I was looking at the product picture on the listing for these balms, and I was remembering when I had made all these tubes of balm. Two years ago, fellow alumni and I from my high school graduating class got together to put together care packages for troops serving in Afghanistan, and I’d made these for those boxes.
Boxes lined up getting bath & body goodies, popcorn, protein bars and other stuff
These were a lot of work, but so much fun to make! It’s thrilling watching layer harden upon layer, then seeing the finished product emerge.
Filling the lip balm tubes
You should grab one of these treats for yourself. First, enjoy a blast of sweet cherry flavor, followed by toasted coconut (delish!), then finish the tube with blueberry, pumped up with blueberry butter. The tubes of these lip balms just look happy with their patriotic flair.
Balms Away! lip balm, layered with cherry, toasted coconut, and blueberry in one sweet tube
What’s your favorite lip balm flavor, maybe a flavor that takes you back?