It’s been one of those days. Shoot, it’s been one of those WEEKS! My daughters are taking turns being the conductor and the engineer of the crazy train, I’m working, school is taking forever to complete because of their misbehavior, and some crazy evil spirit has possessed my usually angelic younger child, a spirit that can’t be exercised exorcised because her soccer practices have been cancelled all week due to rain.
After a particularly trying day today, I was ready for a 2″ tall chocolate cupcake “lightly” frosted with 4″ of buttercream icing. Upon hearing that, my teen – God bless her! – started tossing dark chocolate Doves at me. That got us through inverse logarithms. But dang, I still was having lustful urges towards cupcakes or these new espresso brownies our local coffee shop posted to their Instagram feed yesterday. You know, when things are going to crap, you just want some comfort food, and my comfort comes in the form of chocolate.

Yet, comfort food isn’t exactly good for the waist, nor is it good when one is trying to live the healthy coastal lifestyle. So what’s a person to do? Easy! Just eat the damn dessert already! When the spirit is drained, the head is pounding, and you just want to crawl up and have a good cry, just eat the blasted sweets! Take comfort where you can. Tomorrow you can get back to pounding the pavement.
And total psychological recovery requires both. Don’t deprive yourself of the treat, but also don’t beat yourself up for indulging in it. When you go to bed, the day is over, and when you awaken the next morning, it’s the perfect opportunity to start all over fresh. It’s also the perfect time to lace up the sneakers and get outside. Take a walk or a jog. The important part here is to get fresh air, clear your mind, and get some exercise. Follow that with some mindful stretching, yoga, perhaps. Fuel up for the day, and swing right back into the healthy coastal lifestyle.
How do you recover after a particularly stressful day? Comment below.