I love this soap. This is another one of those fragrances which I first encountered due to a swap and getting a free bottle of it. It’s technically a seasonal fragrance, but I call it Starry Night. You see, I find myself humming Josh Groban‘s Vincent at random times, and that song was going through my head when I was first designing this soap a few years ago.
Nine glorious bars of Starry Night still in the mould
This soap was one of the first beer soaps I ever made, maybe about second or third ever, and its properties, scent, and design keep it a top seller. The scent is a lovely, exotic blend of frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood and patchouli, earthy and sweet. It contains a blend of premium oils and beer, which gives the soaps great conditioning properties. This soap is a total treat! You can pick up this treat for yourself in 3 1/2 weeks.
It is not at all unusual for me to get special orders for products or for people to tell me about their skin conditions and ask me to pair them up with products that will meet their needs. Usually, for complaints of psoriasis, eczema or sensitivities to fragrances, I recommend Soap of Milk & Honey (and Oatmeal!). I received a call, though, from a long-time customer who was looking for products similar to what she had been getting from another company. That’s not something I usually like to do, but she gave me the name of the company and the products, so I started investigating. Imagine my surprise when I discovered these products which were earth-inspired and “natural” were made of premade bases with a few things added! They even made claims about the healing properties about an ingredient that was in a product’s name, and the only hint of that ingredient was the scent!
No, I could not duplicate these products for my friend; I could make them from scratch even better. I relayed to her my findings and warned her that I couldn’t make these products cheaper than she was getting them. In fact, they would be more expensive. She said, “I don’t care. Yours will be better, and I’d rather buy from you, anyway.” Here are her skin treats…
Handmade Lotion & Soap with an all natural lavender and pink grapefruit fragrance
For bathing, I’m hooking her up with gloriously luscious body wash. This mild soap made of a blend of premium, skin-loving oils builds lots of fluffy lather and leaves skin scrumptiously silky and richly supple. The fragrance is an intriguing blend of herbaceous lavender and juicy pink grapefruit. To hit those troubled dry spots, the lotion is a creamy blend features coconut milk and contains avocado oil, a great addition for her slightly more mature skin. This also has that same incredible scent as the soap, so she’ll get to enjoy the light scent without inflicting it on everyone around her.