What a great treat for me and for new customers! Last Spring, a sweet family bought some soaps from me – all bee-themed, containing honey, and two of them were moulded in my honeybee and comb mould. Back in early January, I guess it was, the father contacted me about participating in a Bee Festival in April. He’s a beekeeper and was interested in the fact that I use bee products in my soaps. After several emails and a few phone conversations, he asked if he could take some of my soaps with him to some Beekeeper Association events, and I agreed.
I’m excited about a new group of people getting to experience and try my products. The two products I’ve got in stock currently that feature honey are my Oatmeal & Honey Goat’s Milk soap, made of the finest glycerin bases available (American made), and containing real honey and oatmeal. Rick has also hooked me up with some superior, rich, dark amber honey from a beekeeper in (I think) Georgia that’s going to rock in this soap.
The other exceptionally wonderful honey-containing soap I carry is the Soap of Milk & Honey (& Oatmeal!). Just like the biblical Land of Milk and Honey contained good things for its settlers, so does the soap of the same name have all sorts of great, skin-nourishing goodies for its users. Goat’s milk is rich in vitamins A, D and E (all fabulous for healthy skin). Following that comes the rich honey, bringing with it its own antibacterial and humectant properties (meaning it will draw moisture from the air to the skin, making lotions unneccessary). Then comes the oatmeal, which helps soothe troubled, itchy skin.

Using some of these great products Rick gave me – namely, the honey and some beeswax – I decided to try a variation on my lip balm recipe. I’m going to be offering Bee My Honey, a fabulous honey and shea butter lip balm with many nourishing ingredients and the lightly sweet taste of honey. Those should be ready for purchase late this weekend after I’ve gotten them labeled. I’m still debating on making some with added flavors. I’ve got some new ones, including Cafe’ Latte’, Grape Soda and Toasted Coconut, in addition to Chocolate Devil’s Food and Cucumber Melon.
When I make products containing beeswax and honey, I’m going to do everything possible to ensure that these ingredients are American-produced, preferably from North Carolina. After all, the honeybee is our state insect. (Burt’s Bees, now based in NC, imports its beeswax from Ethiopia. And you thought you were getting a completely American product, didn’t you?)
I’m offering those customers from the beekeeping community a special offer. Use coupon code “BeeHappy!” at checkout and save 15% off your order. You’ve still got two months to use this coupon, but, hey, why wait?