The creative well seems to be a little dry today. So, what’s new? Well, my birthday is this weekend, and this weekend is my last weekend of freedom until sometime in May. Soccer season starts next Saturday with draft day, and I’ll be coaching my younger daughter for her first season. I think this will be fun. And chaotic. Very very chaotic.
I really want to go shopping. It’s warm and pretty(ish) here, and it’s putting me in the frame of mind to go bathing suit shopping and shopping for my Spring/Summer wardrobe update. However, I do NOT want to take my children shopping with me. I wonder if I can escape tomorrow, maybe treat myself to some fun self-spoiling? At the same time, I need to take my older daughter shopping for her bathing suit. Soccer season will eat up our Saturdays.
There’s something else I’ll be buying, something I’m very excited about using for my business. You know that blog post I wrote about the Traveling Soaps? I really, really wanted to make that a vlog post, and I even tricked out the camcorder so it’d fit on a tabletop tripod. I recorded it, and in all modestly, I have to say it was good. I trotted back to the office to edit and upload the video, and… Oh no. Why isn’t my faithful camcorder communicating with my computer? Hmmm… The 4yo has been playing with my ziplink cable; maybe it’s the cable. Just to see, I tested this out with the digital camera, and suddenly the pics on my camera started uploading perfectly. So, sigh… It wasn’t the cable, an easy, inexpensive fix. No, it was the camcorder.
I spent hours yesterday combing cnet.com for reviews and Best Buy to compare. I love the idea of the waterproof action cams, but they don’t have a zoom feature, and I’m not going to be around water with it all that much. I’m still comparing and contrasting, indulging my not-very-inner technogeek. (My technogeek is completely out of the closet!) I’m excited about this new camcorder, not just for home movies and vacation videos, but also for my business. I’m hoping to be able to get interviews with two area small business owners to share with y’all.
Hopefully with bad weather behind us (for now), germs behind us and day trips behind us, Mary and I will get back on track with our posts. Look for new product pictures and business updates. The next month will be full of exciting news.