Learning and Geekgasms

Memorial plaque, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Zionskir...
Memorial plaque, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Zionskirchplatz , Berlin-Mitte, Germany Koordinate: 52°32′4″N 13°24′14″E / °S °W / ; latd>90 (dms format) in latd latm lats longm longs (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’m currently reading The Cost of Discipleship by DIetrich Bonhoeffer, and as soon as I’m done reading this book, I’ll be studying it with a good friend of mine.  As I read the book, I kept thinking, I really need to learn biblical Greek.  That’ll be fun.  I’ve been told I have a very strange idea of “fun.”  This will be learning Greek for the sake of learning it; other than increasing my knowledge, this won’t benefit me significantly.

Yeah, I really love learning new things, be they academic, theological, soapy or technological.  Part of the learning is also a way for me to keep my brain active.  I firmly believe in the old axiom, “Use it or lose it.”  By learning new things, especially at my age, I’m forcing my brain to work in different ways.  Today has been a day of learning, and it has been so exciting to me!  The fact you’re reading this blog HERE at my website shows you one of the things I learned today.  After over a year of wanting to move my business blog from Blogger to WordPress, all while harboring a secret desire to be like “the big kids” and have my blog directly on my website, it finally happened today, pretty much all in one swell move.  One colleague suggested one thing, everything clicked into place, and then it was purely a matter of putting it together.  I called it a Geekgasm!  It was awesome!!!

I’m also learning my way around Google+.  I participated in a phone conference about leveraging G+ for my business, and that was so incredibly informative!  I learned things about G+ that convince me it’s far better for my needs than Facebook, and the things I can do with Hangouts…!  Oh.  My.  Gosh!  Those are going to be a whole ‘nother blog post.  I’m so excited about the possibilities for my business, and being able to share these with you!

What great and wondrous things have you learned lately?

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Hi! Sara here! I'm the CEO and Master Artisan here at Coastal Carolina Soap Co. I started out as a hobbyist and started Sara's Soaps 'n Such, which I owned for 14 years. Coastal Carolina Soap Co. was borne out of my love for the North Carolina coast and its natural beauty, and we're bringing that beauty to you in our soaps and body products.

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